We have guides for giving, but you may select whatever amount is comfortable for you. You may choose to give monthly or quarterly. And you may dedicate or honor someone or some group through a donation.
All donations are tax-deductible.

Where is your money going?
As a San Jose Parks Foundation Member, you'll be helping to cover the costs of keeping our system of Parks, Trails and Recreation Programs first-class, as well as available, accessible, and safe.
You'll be helping to guarantee that your children and their children will still be enjoying the beauty and splendor of nature, the respite from everyday life, the venues for exercising and of all the activities that our parks encompass.
Your contributions will be among the first to provide much-needed private citizen support for our public parks. You will help make a difference in the quality of our parks and in the life of our city.
As a Member of ParkForce, you'll build the "foundation" for San Jose Parks Foundation, all of which means better, more vibrant parks for everyone for years to come.
San Jose Parks Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.